Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Patient day again!

Today I got checked in and Mark was not feeling well today.  I felt bad for him, he did not sound like the same man! His voice was different.  Today he scaled all me quadrants!  He did a good job, he only missed two spots when he did a scale check!! I hope when I have my real patient day that I will not miss any spots!! I will need to make sure that I have a light grasp so that I can feel for the calculus! I am going to make sure that I study up over the weekend so that i can make sure that it smooths very nicely!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Today... I was the patient!

Today it felt nice being the patient and not have all that stress on me!! Mark did me today, he just got as far as the OD today. So next time he will scale me!  He did a good job with keeping up and making sure he did everything, he was good at keeping calm! I am excited to get my teeth scaled on Wednesday by him!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mock Patient Day 2

Today, I finished up Mark.! I scaled 3 quads on him, it was a lot tougher than i expected!  He actually had some real sub calculus to get. My arm started to get tired.  It really was a good experience to be able to scale something because it prepares me for our real patient day!  I started to feel more comfortable with scaling and It felt more natural... I still feel like i need to adapt just a little bit more for some areas... mark was a trooper :)  i am nervous for my dad to come in... hopefully i don't poke him that bad ;)

Monday, November 7, 2011

First Mock Patient Day!!

Today was stressful!! Mock patient day... I felt over welmed and felt like I was running out of time! I scaled one quad on Mark today.  I was able to get everything done that I needed to, but I am nervous that I am going to forget the order of things and what comes next!  Over the weekend I need to study study study before our real patient day!! I just hope everything goes smoothly and I don't freak out!  Today was good practice from start to finish.  It is amazing at how much I have learned this semester. It has gone by sooo fast!! Pretty soon it will be time to graduate :)  that day will be a blessing!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Flouride and Sharpening!

Today we worked on each other and we did fluoride with the trays on each other and we also got to pass that off today.  We learned more about sharpening and used our cards that we were given.  I like using the cards because it has a guide on it that has the angle for you to use.  Today I feel a little better and more ready for patient mock day.  Next week we see our first "mock" patient and will work on each other all of Monday and Wednesday.  I am excited!  It will be good practice and I will actually get to do EVERYTHING from start to finish!  I was able to pass off my sealants and Fluoride PE.  We ended up having plenty of time after to finish anything we needed to be done.